Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Internship Wrap-Up

This Friday will be my last day of work... where did the summer go?!

I learned a great deal this summer, primarily about Common Cause’s policy areas. I am now even more convinced (if such a thing is possible) of the need for campaign finance reform and better access to voting in elections. Beyond that, I am now aware of the need to make sure that votes translate into policy that is in the public interest. These were notions with which I already agreed, but previously, they were only notions. When you research something, you naturally become invested in it, and I am now deeply invested in promoting accountable government.

In researching these (sometimes novel) topics, I had the chance to hone my writing skills, especially blog-writing. While I consider myself a fairly good writer, I know that practice is necessary to maintain prowess, and I appreciate the opportunity that this internship gave me to do that. Working out the kinks in a new job is also a learning experience, no matter what the job entails. Finding out how to work with a new group of people, navigate a new chain of command, and sometimes think in a new way can be challenging, and practicing this type of situation really helps me do it better the next time. In these ways, the internship was very helpful.

I do not doubt that this internship will affect my future career plans. Previously, I had never considered running for office someday, but now that I have seen the crucial difference legislators can make in securing better government for all of us, I am much more likely to explore that option. This is a possibility for me especially if a good publicly funded elections program can be instated; I am not made to pander to big donors. Even if I end up with a career less directly related to Common Cause, the general skills that I used this summer will definitely come in handy in any field.

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I speak as an individual, NOT on behalf of Common Cause Hawaii. All opinions are my own.

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