Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Letter to My Representative

August 8, 2012

Gil Riviere
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 319
Honolulu, HI, 96813
(808) 586-6380

Dear Representative Riviere,

I am a college student and lifelong resident of Waialua. I appreciate what you have done for our district thus far. I am writing to urge you to take action on establishing Election Day voter registration for the people of Hawaii.

I do not doubt that you have read about the miserable voter turnout statistics we hold here. The opportunity to register to vote on Election Day would be a great step toward increasing that turnout. As it stands, voters must register at least 30 days before an election in order to participate, but an increase in campaigning in that month directly preceding the election means that many become interested in the issues when they are no longer eligible to have a say in them. With Election Day registration, those voters would be included in the political process.

Journalist Ian Lind recently wrote an article for Honolulu Civil Beat in which he said, “A 2011 study by Demos, a New York-based policy research and advocacy group, estimated overall voter turnout in Hawaii would be boosted by 5.3 percent, while some segments of the population would benefit even more.” A 5.3% increase would be great progress for our state.

Election Day voter registration has been successful in other states. Eight states have a form of the program, and have seen increases in voter turnout as a result. Hawaii should be next.

Again, I am very happy with you as my Representative. Thank you for your service!

Holly Berlin

Disclaimer: I speak as an individual, NOT on behalf of Common Cause Hawaii. All opinions are my own.

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